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The following is for owners of the DVD Edition of THE AMERICAN TESTIMONY. 

The Empire Years (1877-1912)


1.        TWILIGHT OF THE FRONTIER ERA (12 minutes, 32 seconds).  Covers the aftermath of the Battle of Little Big Horn, the Nez Perce tribe’s peace overtures, the rise of corporations, the inventions of Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell, the beginning of professional baseball, the growing popularity of Mark Twain, the popularity of P.T. Barnum’s traveling circus, the changes in lifestyles brought on by rail transportation, the railway strike of 1877, and the opening of relations with Mexico.

2.       THE NEW RELIGIONS (15 minutes, 11 seconds).  Explores the promotion of non-traditional thought, including the English translation of the Communist Manifesto, as well as the emergence of Darwinism.  The segment also covers the new influx of European immigrants, the rise of the Social Gospel movement, the Moody revivals, the founding of the Christian Science religion, the presidential election of 1880, and the assassination of President Garfield.

3.       PROGRESS AND PAIN (14 minutes, 45 seconds).  Explores the age of invention, Booker T. Washington’s founding of the Tuskegee Institute, Clara Barton’s establishment of the Red Cross, the resurgence of art and literature, the popularity of “Wild West” shows, the difficult presidency of Chester Arthur, the election of Grover Cleveland (as well as his White House wedding), France’s gift of the Statue of Liberty, the construction of early skyscraper buildings, the onset of labor riots, and the contributions of America’s “Captains of Industry,”

4.        COURSE CORRECTIONS (17 minutes, 24 seconds).  Examines the increase in leisure activities, the trend toward reparations to the Indians, the election of Benjamin Harrison, the expansion of trade with Latin America, the stance against German aggression in the Pacific, the Oklahoma Land Run, the passage of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, the failed currency manipulation schemes of the government, and the modernization of the navy.  Also included in this segment are the Wounded Knee skirmish, the deadly Homestead union strike, the return of Grover Cleveland to the White House, the onset of the economic depression of 1893, the Pullman Strike, and the Supreme Court’s rejection of the income tax.

5.       “A SPLENDID LITTLE WAR” (18 minutes, 32 seconds).  The segment begins with benign events, including the advent of motion pictures and  the admission of Utah to the union; then turns to the the Cuban revolt against Spain, the election of William McKinley, the mysterious explosion of the USS Maine, and passage of the Teller Amendment.  Thereafter, a chronological account of the Spanish-American War is presented, from Dewey’s naval victory in the Philippines to the charge of the Rough Riders at San Juan Hill in Cuba.  Also covered are  the American annexations of Wake Island and Hawaii, Spain’s surrender, the granting of independence to Cuba, and the U.S. acquisitions of Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines.

6.       THE TUMULTUOUS TURN OF THE CENTURY (22 minutes, 15 seconds).  Recounts American charity in elevating living conditions in Cuba and the Philippines, the destruction of Galveston by hurricane, the assassination of President McKinley, the surrender of Filipino rebels, Theodore Roosevelt’s interventions in business and labor crises, the construction on the Panama Canal, and the Wright Brothers’ first airplane flight in 1903.  The segment also includes Theodore Roosevelt’s contribution to the settlement of the Russo-Japanese War, the deadly San Francisco earthquake, the admission of Oklahoma to statehood, and the Pacific tour of the “Great White Fleet” as a show of American naval superiority.

7.        WINDS OF CHANGE (12 minutes, 7 seconds).  Covers the election of William Howard Taft, the Communist infiltration of labor unions, “Dollar Diplomacy” (a paying of funds to settle disputes in Latin America), Theodore Roosevelt's return to politics (as a third-party presidential candidate), and Woodrow Wilson's victory in the election of 1912.

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